The Romanian National Meteorological Administration provides warnings for the public and the disaster management authorities in case of severe weather phenomena, and also being a supplier of scientific and technical services and a competent and reliable partner for public and private entities. The Romanian NMA is actively involved in national and international research projects, and education and training respectively. Romania is currently a Cooperating State to the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), member of the EUMETNET’s radar programme OPERA, and starting with 2010, a full Member State of the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT). Among NMA’s primary objectives is the constant work of upgrading real-time detection capabilities, and facilitating the exchange of data at local, regional and global levels.
The NMA research team involved in the WeaMyL project is multidisciplinary, with expertise in severe weather research, radar and satellite meteorology and data processing and analysis, weather forecasting, and climate research and services. Romanian NMA team includes:
Sorin Burcea, PhD - team leader
Dr. Sorin Burcea works as a scientific researcher at the National Meteorological Administration, in Bucharest, Romania. His main activity is focused on radar meteorology, and his main scientific interests include radar-based climatology of storms, severe weather risk assessment, radar quantitative precipitation estimation and quality of weather radar data and processing algorithms. Research Gate Profile |
Eugen Mihuleț, Forecaster
Eugen Mihulet works in the National Weather Forecasting Center. He is enrolled in a doctoral program and the research topic is related to weather and climate data management in support of weather and climate products and services development. His main professional interests are new technologies in meteorology, data analysis using machine learning. Research Gate Profile |
Gabriela Băncilă, Phd
Andrei Diamandi, Phd
Oana Nicola, Researcher
Alexandru Dumitrescu, Phd
Marius Bîrsan, Phd
Meda Andrei, Forecaster
Udo Reckerth, Forecaster
Udo Reckerth works as a senior forecaster at the National Meteorological Administration, Transilvania-Sud Regional Forecasting Center from Sibiu, Romania. His main activity is focused on sinoptic and radar forecasting meteorology, as well as and avalanche risk estimation. His main scientific interests include radar-based severe weather risk assessment, quantitative radar precipitation estimation, quality of weather radar data and processing algorithms, climatology of severe weather events and avalanches. |
Cristian Grecu, Forecaster
Cristian-Lucian Grecu works as a forecaster at the National Meteorological Administration, Transilvania-Sud Regional Forecasting Center from Sibiu, Romania. His main activity is focused on sinoptic and radar forecasting meteorology and avalanche risk estimation. His main scientific interests include radar-based severe weather risk assessment, quantitative precipitation estimation, quality of weather radar data and processing algorithms, climatology of severe weather events. |
Cristina Blaga, Forecaster
Ioana-Cristina Blaga works as a forecaster at the National Meteorological Administration, Transilvania-Sud Regional Forecasting Center from Sibiu, Romania. Her main activity is focused on sinoptic and radar forecasting meteorology. Her main scientific interests include radar-based severe weather risk assessment and quantitative precipitation estimation and climatology of severe weather events. |
Adela Mitea, Forecaster
Adela-Mariana Mitea works as a forecaster at the National Meteorological Administration, Transilvania-Sud Regional Forecasting Center from Sibiu, Romania. Her main activity is focused on sinoptic and radar forecasting meteorology. Her main scientific interests include radar-based severe weather risk assessment and quantitative precipitation estimation and climatology of severe weather events. |
Gabriela Harpa, Forecaster
Gabriela V. Harpa works as a weather forecaster at Regional Meteorological Center Transylvania South, in Sibiu, Romania. Her main scientific interests include climate dynamics, climate variability, atmospheric sciences and severe weather risk assessment, focusing on extreme precipitation events. Research Gate Profile |
Narcisa Milian, Forecaster
Narcisa Milian works as a senior forecaster at the National Meteorological Administration, Transilvania-Sud Regional Forecasting Center from Sibiu, Romania. Her main activity is focused on sinoptic and radar forecasting meteorology and avalanche risk estimation. Her main scientific interests include radar-based severe weather risk assessment and quantitative precipitation estimation, climatology of severe weather events and avalanches.